
Advantages of Powder Free Gloves


Any healthcare facility or automotive garage you go to, you will notice that almost everyone working there is wearing disposable gloves. Gloves provide a wonderful form of safety for individuals working with pollutants or other hazardous materials. They keep the skin protected against anything that might cause it harm or even just dirt and grime. Some disposable gloves are even puncture resistant and able to protect against blood borne pathogens.

What Makes Powdered Gloves Widely Used and How They Affect People

For a long time, people have been wearing latex disposable gloves with a powdered surface. These gloves are widely used throughout hospitals, repair shops and in other similar industries. The powder on the latex glove has always made it easier for professionals to put on and take off the gloves in a hurry. However, this powder leaves behind residue and makes it hard to keep a job clean. The powder often causes skin irritation and can cause wheezing to individuals with asthma or breathing problems after prolonged use.

What Are Powder Free Gloves?

There are several ways to manufacture powder free gloves. Chlorination and polymer coatings are the most popular ways of creating gloves without the powdery residue. Chlorination is most often used in the process of producing latex gloves while a polymer coating is often used to coat nitrile gloves.

Powdered gloves often leave behind a residue which is a nuisance for many painters and automotive mechanics. The residue is messy and bothersome. This is why many healthcare facilities and automotive repair shops have started purchasing nitrile gloves in bulk, replacing the latex gloves they once used.

What Are Nitrile Gloves?

Nitrile gloves are made of a synthetic rubber. This rubber protects the skin better than latex can. Nitrile disposable gloves are latex-free and those with allergies to latex are able to wear them. This is a significant alternative for anyone with sensitivity to latex.

The polymer coating found on nitrile gloves replaces the powder found on latex gloves so that you can still easily put on and remove the gloves when necessary. However, there are many other benefits that come with nitrile gloves. Not only are they powder-free, but they carry a higher puncture resistance and are about 3x stronger than that of latex gloves. They even come with a textured surface to help provide a firmer grasp on things as you work.